inherited DirViewFrame: TDirViewFrame Width = 692 Height = 473 OnResize = FrameResize object LogSplitter: TUiSplitter [0] Left = 0 Top = 305 Width = 692 Height = 3 Cursor = crVSplit Align = alBottom OnCanResize = LogSplitterCanResize OnMoved = LogSplitterMoved end object MainPanel: TUiPanel [1] Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 692 Height = 305 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 object ViewSplitter: TUiSplitter Left = 0 Top = 150 Width = 692 Height = 3 Cursor = crVSplit Align = alBottom Visible = False end object InputPanel: TUiPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 692 Height = 150 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 object InputTreeViewPanel: TUiPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 692 Height = 150 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone BorderStyle = bsSingle TabOrder = 0 end end object OutputPanel: TUiPanel Left = 0 Top = 153 Width = 692 Height = 127 Align = alBottom BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 1 Visible = False object OutputTreeViewPanel: TUiPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 692 Height = 127 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone BorderStyle = bsSingle TabOrder = 0 end end object FiltersPanel: TUiPanel Left = 0 Top = 280 Width = 692 Height = 25 Align = alBottom TabOrder = 2 Visible = False object FiltersBevel: TUiBevel Left = 1 Top = 1 Width = 29 Height = 23 Align = alLeft Shape = bsSpacer end object FiltersBtn: TUiSpeedButton Left = 0 Top = 2 Hint = 'Edits file filters' ImageIndex = imgFilters Images = BcImages.MainImages OnClick = FiltersExecute end object OtherFiltersLbl: TUiLabel Left = 30 Top = 1 Height = 13 Caption = '%' ShowAccelChar = False Layout = tlCenter end end end inline LogFrame: TLogFrame [2] Left = 0 Top = 308 Width = 692 Height = 100 Align = alBottom TabOrder = 1 end inherited MessagePanel: TUiPanel [3] Top = 408 Width = 692 TabOrder = 2 end inherited StatusBar: TUiStatusBar [4] Top = 455 Width = 692 Panels = < item Width = 50 end> OnResize = StatusBarResize end inherited Actions: TUiActionList object SwapAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = '&Swap Sides' Hint = 'Swap Sides|Exchanges left, right base folders.' ImageIndex = imgSwap OnExecute = SwapExecute ShortCaption = 'Swap' end object SpecsBackAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = '&Back' Hint = 'Back|Changes to previous base folders.' ImageIndex = imgPathBack OnExecute = SpecsStackClick ShortCaption = 'Back' end object SpecsForwardAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = '&Forward' Hint = 'Forward|Changes to next base folders.' ImageIndex = imgPathForward OnExecute = SpecsStackClick ShortCaption = 'Forward' end object UpOneLevelAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = '&Up One Level' Hint = 'Up One Level|Lists sides that base folder can be changed to its ' + 'parent folder.' OnExecute = UpOneLevelPopulate end object UpOneLevelLeftAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = '&Left Side' Hint = 'Up One Level on Left Side|Changes left base folder to its parent' + ' folder.' OnExecute = UpOneLevelExecute end object UpOneLevelRightAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = '&Right Side' Hint = 'Up One Level on Right Side|Changes right base folder to its pare' + 'nt folder.' OnExecute = UpOneLevelExecute end object UpOneLevelBothAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = '&Both Sides' Hint = 'Up One Level on Both Sides|Changes both base folders to their pa' + 'rent folders.' OnExecute = UpOneLevelExecute end object FiltersAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = 'File &Filters...' Hint = 'File Filters|Edits file filters.' ImageIndex = imgFilters OnExecute = FiltersExecute ShortCaption = 'Filters' end object SyncBaseInNewViewAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = 'Sync Base Folders in New View' Hint = 'Sync Base Folders in New View|Synchronizes base folders in new v' + 'iew.' OnExecute = SyncBaseInNewViewExecute ShortCaption = 'Sync View' end object ReportAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = 'Folder Compare Re&port...' Hint = 'Folder Compare Report|Produces the Folder Compare report.' ImageIndex = imgReport OnExecute = ReportExecute ShortCaption = 'Report' end object InfoAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = 'Folder Compare &Info' Hint = 'Folder Compare Info|Displays compare statistics.' ImageIndex = imgInfo OnExecute = InfoExecute ShortCaption = 'Info' end object StopAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = 'Stop Loading' Enabled = False Hint = 'Stop Loading|Terminates comparison.' ImageIndex = imgStopRed OnExecute = StopExecute ShortCaption = 'Stop' StaticImageIndex = imgStopRed end object ExpandAction: TUiAction Category = 'Disjoint' Caption = 'Open Folder' Hint = 'Open Folder|Opens selected folder.' OnExecute = CollapseExpandExecute end object CollapseAction: TUiAction Category = 'Disjoint' Caption = 'Close Folder' Hint = 'Close Folder|Closes selected folder.' OnExecute = CollapseExpandExecute end object ExpandSubfoldersAction: TUiAction Category = 'Disjoint' Caption = 'Open Subfolders' Hint = 'Open Subfolders|Opens selected folders and all their subfolders.' OnExecute = ExpandSubfoldersExecute end object CollapseSubfoldersAction: TUiAction Category = 'Disjoint' Caption = 'Close Subfolders' Hint = 'Close Subfolders|Close selected folders and their subfolders.' OnExecute = CollapseSubfoldersExecute end object SetAsBaseFoldersAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Hint = 'Set as Base Folders|Sets selected folders as base folders.' OnExecute = SetAsBaseFoldersExecute end object SetAsOtherBaseFolderAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Set as Base on Other Side' Hint = 'Set as Base on Other Side|Sets selected folder as base folder on' + ' other side.' OnExecute = SetAsOtherBaseFolderExecute end object CompareInNewViewAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Compare in New View' Hint = 'Compare in New View|Compares selected items in new view.' OnExecute = CompareInNewViewExecute end object CompareInNewViewUsingAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Compare in New View &Using' Hint = 'Compare in New View Using|Lists types of views that items can be' + ' compared in.' OnExecute = CompareInNewViewUsingPopulate end object MergeInNewViewAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Merge in New View' Hint = 'Merge in New View|Merges selected items in new view.' OnExecute = MergeInNewViewExecute end object SyncInNewViewAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Sync in New View' Hint = 'Sync in New View|Synchronizes selected items in new view.' OnExecute = SyncInNewViewExecute end object QuickCompareAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = '&Quick Compare' Hint = 'Quick Compare|Quick compare selected files.' OnExecute = QuickCompareExecute end object CompareToAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Compare To...' Hint = 'Compare To|Marks item for comparing in new view.' OnExecute = CompareToExecute end object AlignAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Align' Hint = 'Align|Forces selected items to be aligned.' OnExecute = AlignExecute end object AlignWithAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Align With...' Hint = 'Align With|Marks item for manual realignment.' OnExecute = AlignWithExecute end object CompareAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Compare Contents' Hint = 'Compare Contents|Determines overall comparison state for selecte' + 'd items.' ImageIndex = imgCompare OnExecute = CompareExecute ShortCaption = 'Compare' end object CopyRightAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Copy to Right' Hint = 'Copy to Right|Copies selected items from left to right.' ImageIndex = imgCopyRight OnExecute = CopySideExecute ShortCaption = 'Copy' end object CopyLeftAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Copy to Left' Hint = 'Copy to Left|Copies selected items from right to left.' ImageIndex = imgCopyLeft OnExecute = CopySideExecute ShortCaption = 'Copy' end object CopyAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Copy to Side...' Hint = 'Copy to Side|Prompts which side to copy selected items to.' ImageIndex = imgCopyLeftOrRight OnExecute = CopySideExecute ShortCaption = 'Copy' end object CopySideAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' OnExecute = CopySideExecute Desc = 'Copy to Other Side|Copies selected items to other side.' ShortCaption = 'Copy' StaticImageIndex = -2 end object CopyToOutputAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Copy to Output' Hint = 'Copy to Output|Copies selected items to output folder.' OnExecute = CopyToOutputExecute ShortCaption = 'To Output' end object MergeAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Merge Selected' Hint = 'Merge Selected|Performs automated merge of selected items.' ImageIndex = imgMerge OnExecute = MergeExecute ShortCaption = 'Merge' end object MergeAllAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Merge All' Hint = 'Merge All|Performs automated merge of all items.' OnExecute = MergeAllExecute ShortCaption = 'Merge' end object MoveRightAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Move to Right' Hint = 'Move to Right|Moves selected items from left to right.' ImageIndex = imgMoveRight OnExecute = MoveSideExecute ShortCaption = 'Move' end object MoveLeftAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Move to Left' Hint = 'Move to Left|Moves selected items from right to left.' ImageIndex = imgMoveLeft OnExecute = MoveSideExecute ShortCaption = 'Move' end object MoveAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Move to Side...' Hint = 'Move to Side|Prompts which side to move selected items to.' ImageIndex = imgMoveLeftOrRight OnExecute = MoveSideExecute ShortCaption = 'Move' end object MoveSideAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' OnExecute = MoveSideExecute Desc = 'Move to Other Side|Moves selected items to other side.' ShortCaption = 'Move' StaticImageIndex = -2 end object CopyToAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Copy to Folder...' Hint = 'Copy to Folder|Copies selected items to another folder.' ImageIndex = imgCopyTo OnExecute = CopyToExecute ShortCaption = 'Copy To' end object MoveToAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Move to Folder...' Hint = 'Move to Folder|Moves selected items to another folder.' ImageIndex = imgMoveTo OnExecute = MoveToExecute ShortCaption = 'Move To' end object DeleteAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = '&Delete' Hint = 'Delete|Deletes selected items.' ImageIndex = imgDelete OnExecute = DeleteExecute ShortCaption = 'Delete' end object PermanentDeleteAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Delete Permanently' Hint = 'Delete Permanently|Deletes selected items without moving them to' + ' the recycle bin.' OnExecute = PermanentDeleteExecute end object RenameAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Rename' Hint = 'Rename|Renames selected items.' ImageIndex = imgRename OnExecute = RenameExecute ShortCaption = 'Rename' end object AttributesAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = '&Attributes...' Hint = 'Attributes|Sets the DOS attributes of selected files.' OnExecute = AttributesExecute end object TouchAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = '&Touch...' Hint = 'Touch|Sets timestamps of selected items.' ImageIndex = imgTouch OnExecute = TouchExecute ShortCaption = 'Touch' end object ExcludeAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = '&Exclude' Hint = 'Exclude|Filters selected items to remove them from comparison.' OnExecute = ExcludeExecute end object NewFolderAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'New Folder...' Hint = 'New Folder|Creates a new folder.' OnExecute = NewFolderExecute end object CopyFilenamesAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Copy Filename' Hint = 'Copy Filename|Copies selected items'#39' paths to Clipboard.' OnExecute = CopyFilenamesExecute end object IgnoredAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Ignored' Hint = 'Ignored|Ignores or unignores differences in selected items.' ImageIndex = imgIgnored OnExecute = IgnoredExecute ShortCaption = 'Ignored' end object RefreshSelectionAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Refresh Selection' Hint = 'Refresh Selection|Refreshes selected items.' OnExecute = RefreshSelectionExecute end object FileReportAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'File Compare Re&port...' Hint = 'File Compare Report|Produces file comparison report.' ImageIndex = imgReport OnExecute = FileReportExecute ShortCaption = 'File Report' end object SyncAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Synchronize' Hint = 'Synchronize|Lists synchronize methods.' OnExecute = SyncPopulate end object UpdateRightAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Update Right...' Hint = 'Update Right|Synchronizes by copying newer and orphan items from' + ' left to right.' ImageIndex = imgUpdateRight OnExecute = SyncExecute ShortCaption = 'Update Right' end object UpdateLeftAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Update Left...' Hint = 'Update Left|Synchronizes by copying newer and orphan items from ' + 'right to left.' ImageIndex = imgUpdateLeft OnExecute = SyncExecute ShortCaption = 'Update Left' end object UpdateBothAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Update Both...' Hint = 'Update Both|Synchronizes by copying newer and orphan items from ' + 'left to right and from right to left.' ImageIndex = imgUpdateBidirectional OnExecute = SyncExecute ShortCaption = 'Update Both' end object MirrorRightAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Mirror to Right...' Hint = 'Mirror to Right|Synchronizes by replacing all different items on' + ' right, deleting any orphan items on right, and copying any left' + ' orphan items to right.' ImageIndex = imgMirrorRight OnExecute = SyncExecute ShortCaption = 'Mirror Right' end object MirrorLeftAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Mirror to Left...' Hint = 'Mirror to Left|Synchronizes by replacing all different items on ' + 'left, deleting any orphan items on left, and copying any right o' + 'rphan items to left.' ImageIndex = imgMirrorLeft OnExecute = SyncExecute ShortCaption = 'Mirror Left' end object SourceControlAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Source Control' Hint = 'Source Control|Lists source control commands.' OnExecute = SourceControlPopulate end object VcsAddAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Add to Source Control' Hint = 'Add to Source Control|Adds selected items to source control.' OnExecute = VcsExecute end object VcsRemoveAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Remove from Source Control' Hint = 'Remove from Source Control|Removes selected items from source co' + 'ntrol.' OnExecute = VcsExecute end object VcsGetLatestAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Get Latest Version' Hint = 'Get Latest Version|Gets latest version of items from source cont' + 'rol.' OnExecute = VcsExecute end object VcsGetAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Get...' Hint = 'Get|Gets particular version of items from source control.' OnExecute = VcsExecute end object VcsCheckInAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Check In...' Hint = 'Check In|Checks item into source control.' OnExecute = VcsExecute end object VcsCheckOutAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Check Out' Hint = 'Check Out|Checks out item from source control.' OnExecute = VcsExecute end object VcsUndoCheckOutAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Undo Check Out' Hint = 'Undo Check Out|Undoes checkout from source control.' OnExecute = VcsExecute end object VcsDiffAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Show Differences' Hint = 'Show Differences|Shows source control differences.' OnExecute = VcsDiffExecute end object VcsHistoryAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Show History' Hint = 'Show History|Shows source control history.' OnExecute = VcsExecute end object VcsPropertiesAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Show Properties' Hint = 'Show Properties|Shows source control properties.' OnExecute = VcsPropertiesExecute end object VcsRunAppAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'Run Source Control Application' Hint = 'Run Source Control Application|Runs source control application.' OnExecute = VcsExecute end object OpenWithAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = '&Open With' Hint = 'Open With|Lists "Open With" applications.' OnExecute = OpenWithPopulate end object ExplorerAction: TUiAction Category = 'Actions' Caption = 'E&xplorer' Hint = 'Explorer|Lists Window'#39's Explorer context menu commands.' OnExecute = ExplorerPopulate end object ExpandAllAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Expand All' Hint = 'Expand All|Opens all folders.' ImageIndex = imgExpandAll OnExecute = ExpandAllExecute ShortCaption = 'Expand' end object CollapseAllAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Collapse All' Hint = 'Collapse All|Closes all folders.' ImageIndex = imgCollapseAll OnExecute = CollapseAllExecute ShortCaption = 'Collapse' end object SelectAllAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Select &All' Hint = 'Select All|Selects all visible items.' ImageIndex = imgSelectAll OnExecute = SelectAllExecute ShortCaption = 'Select' end object SelectAllFilesAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Select All &Files' Hint = 'Select All Files|Selects all visible files.' ImageIndex = imgSelectAllFiles OnExecute = SelectCustomExecute ShortCaption = 'Files' end object SelectNewerAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Select &Newer' Hint = 'Select Newer|Lists sides that newer files can be selected.' OnExecute = SelectCustomPopulate end object SelectNewerLeftAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Left Side' Hint = 'Select Left Newer|Selects all newer files on the left.' OnExecute = SelectCustomExecute end object SelectNewerRightAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Right Side' Hint = 'Select Right Newer|Selects all newer files on the right.' OnExecute = SelectCustomExecute end object SelectNewerBothAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Both' Hint = 'Select Both Newer|Selects all newer files on both sides.' OnExecute = SelectCustomExecute end object SelectOrphanAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'Select &Orphans' Hint = 'Select Orphans|Lists sides that orphan files can be selected.' OnExecute = SelectCustomPopulate end object SelectOrphanLeftAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Left Side' Hint = 'Select Left Orphans|Selects all orphan files on the left.' OnExecute = SelectCustomExecute end object SelectOrphanRightAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Right Side' Hint = 'Select Right Orphans|Selects all orphan files on the right.' OnExecute = SelectCustomExecute end object SelectOrphanBothAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Both' Hint = 'Select Both Orphans|Selects all orphan files on both sides.' OnExecute = SelectCustomExecute end object SelectInvertAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Invert Selection' Hint = 'Invert Selection|Selects all items not currently selected, and d' + 'eselects all items currently selected.' OnExecute = SelectCustomExecute ShortCaption = 'Invert' end object RefreshAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Refresh' Hint = 'Refresh|Refreshes open folders.' ImageIndex = imgRefresh OnExecute = RefreshExecute ShortCaption = 'Refresh' end object FullRefreshAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = 'F&ull Refresh' Hint = 'Full Refresh|Refreshes entire comparison.' ImageIndex = imgFullRefresh OnExecute = FullRefreshExecute ShortCaption = 'Full Refresh' end object DiffNextAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = '&Next Difference' Hint = 'Next Difference|Positions at next unignored difference.' ImageIndex = imgDown OnExecute = DiffExecute ShortCaption = 'Next' end object DiffPrevAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = '&Previous Difference' Hint = 'Previous Difference|Positions at previous unignored difference.' ImageIndex = imgUp OnExecute = DiffExecute ShortCaption = 'Prev' end object ExistsNextAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Next Existing Filename' Hint = 'Next Existing Filename|Positions at next filename, skipping over' + ' gaps.' OnExecute = ExistsNextExecute end object ExistsPrevAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Previous Existing Filename' Hint = 'Previous Existing Filename|Positions at previous filename, skipp' + 'ing over gaps.' OnExecute = ExistsPrevExecute end object FindFilenameAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = '&Find Filename...' Hint = 'Find Filename|Positions at item with specified name.' OnExecute = FindFilenameExecute end object FavCompareAllAction: TUiAction Category = 'Favorites' Caption = 'Show All' Hint = 'Show All|Shows same, left orphan, right orphan, left newer, righ' + 't newer and difference items.' ImageIndex = imgFavAll OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'All' end object FavDiffAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Differences' Hint = 'Show Differences|Shows left orphan, right orphan, left newer, ri' + 'ght newer and difference items.' ImageIndex = imgFavDiff OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Diffs' end object FavSameAction: TUiAction Category = 'Favorites' Caption = 'Show Same' Hint = 'Show Same|Shows same items.' ImageIndex = imgFavSame OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Same' end object FavNoOrphanAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show No Orphans' Hint = 'Show No Orphans|Shows same, left newer, right newer and differen' + 'ce items.' OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'No Orphans' end object FavDiffNoOrphanAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Differences but No Orphans' Hint = 'Show Differences but No Orphans|Shows left newer, right newer an' + 'd difference items.' OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Diffs No Orphans' end object FavOrphanAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Orphans' Hint = 'Show Orphans|Shows left orphan and right orphan items.' OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Orphans' end object FavLeftNewerAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Left Newer' Hint = 'Show Left Newer|Shows left newer items.' OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Left Newer' end object FavRightNewerAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Right Newer' Hint = 'Show Right Newer|Shows right newer items.' OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Right Newer' end object FavLeftNewerOrphanAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Left Newer and Left Orphans' Hint = 'Show Left Newer and Left Orphans|Shows left orphan and left newe' + 'r items.' OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Left Newer, Orphans' end object FavRightNewerOrphanAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Right Newer and Right Orphans' Hint = 'Show Right Newer and Right Orphans|Shows right orphan and right ' + 'newer items.' OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Right Newer, Orphans' end object FavLeftOrphanAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Left Orphans' Hint = 'Show Left Orphans|Shows left orphan items.' OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Left Orphans' end object FavRightOrphanAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Right Orphans' Hint = 'Show Right Orphans|Shows right orphan items.' OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Right Orphans' end object FavCompareNoneAction: TUiAction Category = 'None' Caption = 'Show None' Hint = 'Show None|Hides all files.' ImageIndex = imgFavNone OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'None' end object FavMergeAllAction: TUiAction Category = 'Favorites' Caption = 'Show All' Hint = 'Show All|Shows unchanged, same change, left add, right add, left' + ' delete, right delete, left change, right change, difference cha' + 'nge and conflict items.' ImageIndex = imgFavAll OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'All' end object FavChangedAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Changes' Hint = 'Show Changes|Shows left add, right add, left delete, right delet' + 'e, left change, right change and conflict items.' ImageIndex = imgFavDiff OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Diffs' end object FavConflictAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Conflicts' Hint = 'Show Conflicts|Shows conflict items.' OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Conflicts' end object FavLeftAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Left Changes' Hint = 'Show Left Changes|Shows left add, left delete and left change it' + 'ems.' OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Left' end object FavRightAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Right Changes' Hint = 'Show Right Changes|Shows right add, right delete and right chang' + 'e items.' OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Right' end object FavMergeableAction: TUiAction Category = 'DropDown' Caption = 'Show Mergeable' Hint = 'Show Mergeable|Shows same change and difference change items.' OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Okay' end object FavUnchangedAction: TUiAction Category = 'Favorites' Caption = 'Show Unchanged' Hint = 'Show Unchanged|Shows unchanged items.' ImageIndex = imgFavSame OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'Same' end object FavMergeNoneAction: TUiAction Category = 'None' Caption = 'Show None' Hint = 'Show None|Shows no items.' ImageIndex = imgFavNone OnExecute = FavExecute ShortCaption = 'None' end object TogSameAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Same' Hint = 'Toggle Same|Shows or hides same items.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Same' end object TogLeftOrphanAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Left Orphans' Hint = 'Toggle Left Orphans|Shows or hides left orphan items.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Left Orphans' end object TogRightOrphanAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Right Orphans' Hint = 'Toggle Right Orphans|Shows or hides right orphan items.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Right Orphans' end object TogLeftNewerAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Left Newer' Hint = 'Toggle Left Newer|Shows or hides left newer items.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Left Newer' end object TogRightNewerAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Right Newer' Hint = 'Toggle Right Newer|Shows or hides right newer items.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Right Newer' end object TogDiffAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Differences' Hint = 'Toggle Differences|Shows or hides difference items.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Diffs' end object TogNoModAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Unchanged' Hint = 'Toggle Unchanged|Shows or hides unchanged items.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Same' end object TogSameModAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Same Changes' Hint = 'Toggle Same Changes|Shows or hides same change items.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Same Diffs' end object TogLeftAddAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Left Adds' Hint = 'Toggle Left Adds|Shows or hides left add items.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Left Adds' end object TogRightAddAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Right Adds' Hint = 'Toggle Right Adds|Shows or hides right add items.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Right Adds' end object TogLeftDelAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Left Deletes' Hint = 'Toggle Left Deletes|Shows or hides left delete items.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Left Dels' end object TogRightDelAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Right Deletes' Hint = 'Toggle Right Deletes|Shows or hides right delete items.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Right Dels' end object TogLeftModAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Left Changes' Hint = 'Toggle Left Changes|Shows or hides left change items.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Left Mods' end object TogRightModAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Right Changes' Hint = 'Toggle Right Changes|Shows or hides right change items.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Right Mods' end object TogDiffModAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Different Changes' Hint = 'Toggle Different Changes|Shows or hides different change items.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Diffs' end object TogConflictAction: TUiAction Category = 'Toggles' Caption = 'Toggle Conflicts' Hint = 'Toggle Conflicts|Shows or hides conflict items.' OnExecute = TogExecute ShortCaption = 'Conflicts' end object DirShowAllAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Always Show Folders' GroupIndex = 10 Hint = 'Always Show Folders|Shows all folders, ignoring the display filt' + 'er.' ImageIndex = imgDirShowAll OnExecute = DirHandlingExecute ShortCaption = 'All' end object DirCompareStructureAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Compare Files and Folder Structure' GroupIndex = 10 Hint = 'Compare Files and Folder Structure|Show folders if they, or item' + 's they contain, match the display filter.' ImageIndex = imgDirCompareStructure OnExecute = DirHandlingExecute ShortCaption = 'Structure' end object DirCompareFilesOnlyAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Only Compare Files' GroupIndex = 10 Hint = 'Only Compare Files|Show folders only if they contain files match' + 'ing the display filter.' ImageIndex = imgDirCompareFilesOnly OnExecute = DirHandlingExecute ShortCaption = 'Files' end object DirFlattenAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Ignore Folder Structure' GroupIndex = 10 Hint = 'Ignore Folder Structure (Flatten)|Compare all files as if they w' + 'ere in a single folder.' ImageIndex = imgDirFlatten OnExecute = DirHandlingExecute ShortCaption = 'Flatten' end object SuppressFiltersAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = '&Suppress Filters' Hint = 'Suppress Filters|Temporarily suppresses display and file filters' + '.' ImageIndex = imgSuppressFilters OnExecute = SuppressFiltersExecute ShortCaption = 'Peek' end object InsigIgnoredAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Ignore &Unimportant Differences' Hint = 'Ignore Unimportant Differences|Treats unimportant differences as' + ' same.' ImageIndex = imgInsigIgnored OnExecute = InsigIgnoredExecute ShortCaption = 'Minor' end object ShowCenterAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = '&Center Pane' Hint = 'Center Pane|Shows or hides center pane.' OnExecute = ShowCenterExecute end object ShowColumnAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' Caption = 'C&olumns' Hint = 'Columns|Lists columns that can be shown or hidden.' OnExecute = ShowColumnPopulate end object LegendAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' Caption = '&Legend' Hint = 'Legend|Shows or hides legend window.' OnExecute = LegendExecute end object ShowLogAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = '&Show Log' Hint = 'Show Log|Shows or hides the log panel.' OnExecute = ShowLogExecute end object ClearLogAction: TUiAction Category = 'Popup' Caption = 'Clear Messages' Hint = 'Clear Messages|Clears all messages from log.' OnExecute = ClearLogExecute end object SaveLogAction: TUiAction Category = 'Popup' Caption = 'Save to File...' Hint = 'Save to File|Saves log to file.' OnExecute = SaveLogExecute end object CopyLogToClipboardAction: TUiAction Category = 'Popup' Caption = 'Copy to Clipboard' Hint = 'Copy to Clipboard|Copies selected log messages to clipboard.' OnExecute = CopyLogToClipboardExecute end object HideLogAction: TUiAction Category = 'Popup' Caption = 'Hide' Hint = 'Hide|Hides log panel.' OnExecute = ShowLogExecute end end object StopTimer: TTimer Enabled = False Interval = 250 OnTimer = StopTimerTimer Left = 32 end object TreeViewSelTimer: TTimer Enabled = False Interval = 100 OnTimer = TreeViewSelTimerTimer Left = 64 end end